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Fichier:Gaziantep Zeugma Museum Oceanus and Thetys 2 mosaic 4021.jpg

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Fichier d’origine (2 000 × 3 008 pixels, taille du fichier : 8,17 Mio, type MIME : image/jpeg)


English: From Enc. Britt.: In Hesiod's Theogony, Oceanus was the son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth), the husband of the Titan Tethys, and father of 3,000 stream spirits and 3,000 ocean nymphs. In Homer's works he was the origin of the gods. As a common noun the word received almost the modern sense of ocean. Hence in details all sorts of "sea life" appear. The subject was popular, there is another mosaic of the name in the same museum.
Source Travail personnel
Auteur Dosseman

I have a large collection of pictures, some taken at the old museum, some of the same mosaics, but in the new museum. During my several visits (at least 6) almost each time light conditions had changed, and correcting for that is not always satisfactory, let alone getting the corrections the same for each picture of each mosaic. I disliked in particular how in the new museum led-spotlights were often used (a nasty development in many museums, not just in Turkey). I suppose they are efficient, but they give notable highlight spots that sometimes cannot be corrected for. I found they also vary in light temperature. Another annoyance is that in the new museum many mosaics are laid on a floor or a slightly raised platform, without offering a point of view from which to take a picture that, after maybe some perspective correction, looked natural. So in some cases I had to guess the amount of foreshortening that I had to correct.

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Gaziantep Zeugma Museum Oceanus and Thetys 2 mosaic

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actuel18 novembre 2023 à 14:36Vignette pour la version du 18 novembre 2023 à 14:362 000 × 3 008 (8,17 Mio)DossemanFull size
22 janvier 2022 à 07:03Vignette pour la version du 22 janvier 2022 à 07:031 064 × 1 600 (982 Kio)Ptyxlevels
19 décembre 2021 à 08:45Vignette pour la version du 19 décembre 2021 à 08:451 064 × 1 600 (1 020 Kio)Ptyxlevels
21 avril 2019 à 11:56Vignette pour la version du 21 avril 2019 à 11:561 064 × 1 600 (720 Kio)DossemanUser created page with UploadWizard

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