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Fichier:Five Latvian Lats 1931.jpg

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Fichier d’origine (4 910 × 2 636 pixels, taille du fichier : 5,74 Mio, type MIME : image/jpeg)


Historical coin of five Latvian lats issued in 1931. It became a popular symbol of independence during the Soviet era. The coin was designed by Rihards Zariņš. Obverse: The large coat of arms of the Republic of Latvia is placed in the centre. The numeral 5 topped with the year 1931 are inscribed beneath the central motif. The inscriptions PIECI (five) and LATI (lats), arranged in a semicircle, are placed to the left and right of the central motif, respectively. Reverse: The central motif is a Latvian maiden in profile, viewed from the right side. The girl has ears of grain on her shoulder. The inscriptions LATVIJAS and REPUBLIKA, arranged in a semicircle, are placed to the left and right of the central motif, respectively.

Edge: Inscription "God bless Latvia" in Latvian, words seperated by three six point stars (That is - ***Dievs***Svētī***Latviju)
Source Travail personnel
Auteur self made
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Autres versions Other images depicting same coin - Image:5lats used until WWII.pngimage:5lsstack.jpg


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actuel3 juillet 2007 à 13:42Vignette pour la version du 3 juillet 2007 à 13:424 910 × 2 636 (5,74 Mio)Xil{{Information |Description= Historical coin of five Latvian lats issued in 1931. It became a popular symbol of independence during the Soviet era. The coin was designed by Rihards Zariņš. Obverse: The large

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