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Fichier:Coat of arms of the Eparchy of Newton.svg

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English: Coat of arms of the Eparchy of our Lady of the Annunciation of Newton (USA), of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church.

Blason: Eparchy of Newton: Azure, a sun resplendent d’or charged with the Greek letters IC XC sable, in the nombril a crescent d’argent and in the base the Greek letters MR OU of the second; a chief paly of thirteen d’argent and gules.

Significance: Our eparchial coat-of-arms were first registered and granted at the establishment of the Melkite Greek-Catholic Exarchate for the United States in 1966. They remained unchanged in 1976, during the Bicentennial year of our nation’s independence, when the exarchate became the Melkite Greek-Catholic Eparchy of Newton. These same arms have been borne continuously by the Melkite Church in the United States except for a year or two in the late 1980’s when a variation of the same arms was used, but with the placement of the sun and moon at the top of the shield and stripes below. However, the arms reverted to its original granted form after a short period of time and has remained the same since.

The field of a blue shield and thirteen alternating white and red stripes recalls the coat of arms of the United States and the original thirteen colonies. The Eparchy of Newton is headquartered in one of those thirteen colonies and close to the very birthplace of the American Revolution. The resplendent Sun is symbolic of the Christ who is lauded in the ancient vespers hymn “Phos Hilaron” – “O Joyful Light of the Father’s glory.” The sun is further charged with the Greek monogram for Jesus Christ – IC XC. Significantly, for an eparchy with its cathedral dedicated to the Annunciation, a crescent moon in the base is symbolic of the Holy Theotokos (Rev. 12:1) while the letters MR OU are the Greek monograms for the Mother of God.

A heraldic crown surmounts the shield of a Melkite eparchy. Although somewhat reminiscent of the episcopal mitre, the heraldic crown above Melkite patriarchal and eparchial arms is actually more akin to a royal crown and is symbolic of both dignity and jurisdiction. Additionally, the eparchial arms may also be backed with a paterissa – the pastoral staff used by a bishop.


Español: Escudo de armas de la Eparquía de Nuestra Señora de la Anunciación de Newton (EUA), de la iglesia Iglesia greco-católica melquita.
Français : D'azur, à un soleil non figuré d'or chargé des lettres IC XC de sable, à un croissant d'argent posé en nombril, aux lettres grecques ΜΡ ΘΥ du second émail posés en pointe, au chef palé d'argent et de gueules de 13 pièces.


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actuel10 juillet 2013 à 07:02Vignette pour la version du 10 juillet 2013 à 07:02477 × 925 (79 Kio)SajoR{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Coat of arms of the Eparchy of our Lady of the Annunciation of Newton (USA), of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church.}} {{es|1=Escudo de armas de la Eparquía de Nuestra Señora de la Anunciación de Newton (USA), de ...

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