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Identifier: amongpuebloindia00eick (find matches)
Title: Among the Pueblo Indians
Year: 1895 (1890s)
Authors: Eickemeyer, Carl Eickemeyer, Lilian Westcott, joint author
Subjects: Pueblo Indians
Publisher: New York, The Merriam company
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation

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o be a <4irlthe mother is very slow to say so. On the walls of the room were bows and arrows,some in course of construction, while others lookedas if they had been used in killing birds and rabbits,a sport of which the Indian boy is very fond. Theyall handle the bow and arrow with great skill. Thefamiliar Winchester and a belt of cartridges, togetherwith little trinkets, such as beadwork necklaces,medicine bags and eagle feathers, hung on woodenpegs on the wall. Along one side of the room a longpole was suspended from the ceiling by a rope at eachend, and over it were hung the bright-colored, zigzag-designed blankets which are obtained by trading shellbead-work with the Navajoes. The black squawdresses, also of Navajoe manufacture, and buckskinleggins, and moccasins covered Avith beadwork andcolored with ochre, were hung over one end of thispole. From the ceiling were suspended tenor elevendrums, which the Indian considers sacred. The beating of the drum is not an uncommon sound q8
Text Appearing After Image:
SiQbUeccinct. at any hour of the night in the pueblo, whether at asacred meeting in the estufa or a gathering in theplaza. The Indian is very reluctant to sell thesedrums. In fact, we could not buy one at anv price,although we tried at several places. When an Indianwill not sell his blankets, pottery, beadwork, or dancecostumes, it shows that he has plenty to eat and isthoroughly prosperous. Under these circumstances,if he should give a price on any of his possessions, onefeels he ought to have a mortgage on the mans housebefore paying it. At another house three squaws were making potteryin their skilful although crude way, by working theclay into shape by hand, guided only bv the eye.The jars, after being rubbed and worked into shape,are allowed to dry slowly before baking, which isdone in the bake oven in front of the house. Theseovens are made of stone and adobe mortar and resem-ble in shape the old beehive. Many of the jars wereartistically decorated with odd conventional designs,

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