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Fichier:ANZUS Logo (20921987801).jpg

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On September 1 1951 the ANZUS military alliance between New Zealand, Australia and the United States was formed. The treaty bound the signatories to recognise that an armed attack in the Pacific area on any of them would endanger the peace and safety of the others. It stated 'The Parties will consult together whenever in the opinion of any of them the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened in the Pacific'. The three nations also pledged to maintain and develop individual and collective capabilities to resist attack.

New Zealand was suspended from ANZUS in 1986 as it initiated a nuclear-free zone in its territorial waters; in late 2012 the United States lifted a ban on visits by New Zealand warships leading to a thawing in tensions. New Zealand maintains a nuclear-free zone as part of its foreign policy . The treaty no longer applies between the United States and New Zealand, but is still in force between either country and Australia, separately.

Shown here is the logo for ANZUS. A copy of the Treaty signed on September 1 is available from the following link, showing a copy of the agreement that Archives New Zealand holds through the Walter Nash collection -

Reference for Logo:

ABFK 22686 W4312 12

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Material supplied by Archives New Zealand
Source ANZUS Logo
Auteur Archives New Zealand from New Zealand

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8 septembre 2016


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