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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

Remarque: après avoir sauvegardé, vous devez vider le cache de votre navigateur pour que les changements prennent effet. Mozilla, cliquez sur Actualiser (ou ctrl-r). Internet Explorer / Opera: ctrl-f5. Safari: cmd-r. Konqueror ctrl-r.

//[[Catégorie:JavaScript du Wiktionnaire|adddefinition.js]]
// This script adds an "Add definition" button to the toolbox section of the sidebar.

var bodyContent;

if(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0 && mw.config.get('wgAction') == "view" && !/&printable=yes|&diff=|&oldid=/.test(
    bodyContent = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:addDefinition()', 'Ajouter une définition');

var currentBoxToBeAdded;
var definitionHover;
var tempDefinitionText;

function setUpBoxToBeAdded()
  document.onmousemove =
    function (e)
      e = e || event; = e.clientX + 2 + 'px'; = e.clientY + 2 + 'px';
    }; = 'move';

function addDefinition()
  if(! document.onmousemove)
    var instructions = "Entrer une définition ici, puis la faire glisser jusqu'à son emplacement, et cliquer pour sauvegarder.";
    var temp;
    currentBoxToBeAdded =
            'border: 1px solid #000000;' +
            'position:fixed; left:200px; top:500px; z-index:5;' +
            'padding:10px; background-color:#FFFFFF;'
          'Definition: ',
              size: 100,
              blur: function(){
                  {addDefinition2(definitionHover, currentBoxToBeAdded.lastChild.lastChild.value.replace(instructions,''))}
                document.onmousemove = null;
       = '';
                var ols = document.getElementsByTagName('ol');
                for(var i = 0; i < ols.length; i++)
                  var lis = ols[i].getElementsByTagName('li');
                  for(var ii = 0; ii < lis.length; ii++)
                    lis[ii].onmouseover = null;
                    lis[ii].onmouseout = null;
              value: tempDefinitionText || ""
      temp.value = instructions;"#AAA";
      temp.onkeydown=function(){ = "#000";

    var ols = document.getElementsByTagName('ol');
    for(var i = 0; i < ols.length; i++)
      var lis = ols[i].getElementsByTagName('li');
      for(var ii = 0; ii < lis.length; ii++)
        lis[ii].onmouseover =
          function () { = '1px solid #000000'; definitionHover=this; };
        lis[ii].onmouseout =
          function () { ="dashed"?"2px #00FF00 dashed":""; definitionHover=null };

function addDefinition2(q,newdef)
{ ="dashed"?"2px #00FF00 dashed":"";
  definitionHover = null;
  tempDefinitionText = null;

  var qq = newNode('li', newNode('span'));
  JsMwApi().page(mw.config.get('wgPageName')).parseFragment(newdef, function (res) { qq.lastChild.innerHTML = res; });

  function addDefinition3(wikitext)
    var prevheader = q;
    var prevols=0, prevlis=1;
        prevheader = prevheader.previousSibling; 
        if(prevheader.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li")
    while(prevheader.nodeName != "H2")
        prevheader = prevheader.previousSibling; 
        if(prevheader.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "ol")

    var findNumberOfHeaders =
    wikitext =
        RegExp("((?:(^|\n)=[\\s\\S]*?){" + findNumberOfHeaders + "}([\\s\\S]*?\n#[\\s\\S]*?\n(?!#)){" + prevols+ "}([\\s\\S]*?\n#(?![#:\\*])){" + prevlis + "}[\\s\\S]*?)(\n(?!#[#:\\*])|$)"),
        '$1\n# ' + newdef + '\n'
    return ccc = wikitext;

  var editor=new Editor();
              edit: addDefinition3,
              redo: function ()
                      q.parentNode.insertBefore(qq, q.nextSibling);
                      if(window.makedefsidebox && qq.childNodes.length == 1)
                        { makedefsidebox(qq); } // User:Yair_rand/editor.js stuff
            undo: function () { q.parentNode.removeChild(qq); },
            summary: "+def: " +newdef

 * Create a new DOM node for the current document.
 *    Basic usage:  var mySpan = newNode('span', "Hello World!")
 *    Supports attributes and event handlers*: var mySpan = newNode('span', {style:"color: red", focus: function(){alert(this)}, id:"hello"}, "World, Hello!")
 *    Also allows nesting to create trees: var myPar = newNode('p', newNode('b',{style:"color: blue"},"Hello"), mySpan)
 * *event handlers, there are some issues with IE6 not registering event handlers on some nodes that are not yet attached to the DOM,
 * it may be safer to add event handlers later manually.
function newNode(tagname){
  var node = document.createElement(tagname);
  for( var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++ ){
    if(typeof arguments[i] == 'string'){ //Text
      node.appendChild( document.createTextNode(arguments[i]) );
    }else if(typeof arguments[i] == 'object'){ 
      if(arguments[i].nodeName){ //If it is a DOM Node
      }else{ //Attributes (hopefully)
        for(var j in arguments[i]){
          if(j == 'class'){ //Classname different because...
            node.className = arguments[i][j];
          }else if(j == 'style'){ //Style is special
   = arguments[i][j];
          }else if(typeof arguments[i][j] == 'function'){ //Basic event handlers
            try{ node.addEventListener(j,arguments[i][j],false); //W3C
            }catch(e){try{ node.attachEvent('on'+j,arguments[i][j],"Language"); //MSIE
            }catch(e){ node['on'+j]=arguments[i][j]; }} //Legacy
            node.setAttribute(j,arguments[i][j]); //Normal attributes
  return node;

/** See talk page for details **/
//JsMwApi documentation is at
function JsMwApi (api_url, request_type) {
    if (!api_url) 
        if (typeof(true) === 'undefined' || true === false)
            throw "API local inutilisable.";
        api_url = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + "/api.php";
    if (!request_type)
        if (api_url.indexOf('http://') === 0 || api_url.indexOf('https://') == 0)
            request_type = "remote";
            request_type = "local";
    function call_api (query, callback)
        if(!query || !callback)
            throw "Paramètres insuffisants pour l'appel API";
        query = serialise_query(query);
        if(request_type == "remote")
            request_remote(api_url, query, callback, call_api.on_error || default_on_error);
            request_local(api_url, query, callback, call_api.on_error || default_on_error);
    var default_on_error = JsMwApi.prototype.on_error || function (xhr, callback, res)
        if (typeof(console) != 'undefined')
            console.log([xhr, res]);
    function get_xhr () 
            return new XMLHttpRequest();
        }catch(e){ try {
            return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
        }catch(e){ try {
            return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
            throw "Impossible de créer de requête XmlHttp";
    function request_local (url, query, callback, on_error)
        var xhr = get_xhr();
'POST', url + '?format=json', true);
        xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");                  
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function ()
            if (xhr.readyState == 4)
                var res;
                if (xhr.status != 200)
                    res = {error: {
                        code: '_badresponse', 
                        info: xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText
                        res = JSON.parse("("+xhr.responseText+")");
                        res = {error: {
                            code: '_badresult',
                            info: "Le serveur renvoie une réponse de formatage incorrect"
                if (!res || res.error || res.warnings)
                    on_error(xhr, callback, res);
    function request_remote (url, query, callback, on_error)
        if(! window.__JsMwApi__counter)
            window.__JsMwApi__counter = 0;
        var cbname = '__JsMwApi__callback' + window.__JsMwApi__counter++; 
        window[cbname] = function (res)
            if (res.error || res.warnings)
                on_error(null, callback, res);
        var script = document.createElement('script');
        script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
        script.setAttribute('src', url + '?format=json&callback=window.' + cbname + '&' + query);
    function serialise_query (obj)
        var amp = "";
        var out = "";
        if (String(obj) === obj)
            out = obj;
        else if (obj instanceof Array)
            for (var i=0; i < obj.length; i++)
                out += amp + serialise_query(obj[i]);
                amp = (out === '' || out.charAt(out.length-1) == '&') ? '' : '&';
        else if (obj instanceof Object)
            for (var k in obj)
                if (obj[k] === true)
                    out += amp + encodeURIComponent(k) + '=1';
                else if (obj[k] === false)
                else if (obj[k] instanceof Array)
                    out += amp + encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[k].join('|'));
                else if (obj[k] instanceof Object)
                    throw "Les paramètres de l'API ne doivent pas être des objets";
                    out += amp + encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[k]);
                amp = '&';
        else if (typeof(obj) !== 'undefined' && obj !== null)
            throw "Une requête API peut seulement être une chaîne ou un objet";
        return out;
    // Make JSON.parse work
    var JSON = (typeof JSON == 'undefined' ? {} : JSON);
    if (typeof JSON.parse != 'function')
        JSON.parse = function (json) { return eval('(' + json + ')'); };
    // Allow .prototype. extensions
    if (JsMwApi.prototype)
        for (var i in JsMwApi.prototype)
            call_api[i] = JsMwApi.prototype[i];
    return call_api;
} = function (title) {
    function call_with_page (params, callback)
        call_with_page.api([params, {title: title, titles: title}], callback);
    call_with_page.api = this;
    call_with_page.edit = function (params, edit_function)
        if (typeof(params) == 'function')
            edit_function = params;
            params = null;
        params = [params, {
            action: "query", 
            prop: ["info", "revisions"], 
            intoken: "edit", 
            rvprop: ["content", "timestamp"]
        call_with_page(params, function (res)
            if (!res || !res.query || !res.query.pages)
                return edit_function(null);
            // Get the first (and only) page from res.query.pages
            for (var pageid in res.query.pages) break;
            var page = res.query.pages[pageid];
            var text = page.revisions ? page.revisions[0]['*'] : '';
            function save_function (ntext, params, post_save)
                if (typeof(params) == 'function')
                    post_save = params;
                    params = null;
                params = [params, {
                    action: "edit",
                    text: ntext,
                    token: page.edittoken,
                    starttimestamp: page.starttimestamp,
                    basetimestamp: (page.revisions ? page.revisions[0].timestamp : false)
                call_with_page(params, post_save);
            edit_function(text, save_function, res);
    call_with_page.parse = function (to_parse, callback)
        if (typeof to_parse == "function")
            callback = to_parse;
            to_parse = null;
        var params = (to_parse == null ? {page: title} : {title: title, text: to_parse});
        call_with_page.api([{action: "parse", pst: true}, params], function (res)
            if (!res || !res.parse || !res.parse.text)
                callback(null, res);
                callback(res.parse.text['*'], res);
    call_with_page.parseFragment = function (to_parse, callback)
        call_with_page.parse("<div>\n" + to_parse + "</div>", function (parsed, res)
            callback(parsed ? parsed.replace(/^<div>\n?/,'').replace(/(\s*\n)?<\/div>\n*(<!--[^>]*-->\s*)?$/,'') : parsed, res);
    return call_with_page;
 * Storage of "string" preferences.
function CookiePreferences (context)
    //Repeated calls with the same context should get the same preferences object.
    if (arguments.callee[context])
        return arguments.callee[context];
        arguments.callee[context] = this;
     * Change the value of a preference.
     * This will cause all the people subscribed to the function to recieve an
     * update.
     * @param {string} name  The name of the preference
     * @param {string} value  The new value of the preference.
    this.set = function (name, value)
        if (value === null || storage[name] === value)
        storage[name] = value;
     * Get the value of a preference.
     * If the preference isn't set, return the second argument or undefined.
     * @param {string} name  The name of the preference
     * @param {string} def  The default value of the preference
    this.get = function (name, def)
        if (storage[name])
            return storage[name];
            return def;
    var storage = {};
    // Save storage into the cookie.
    function updateCookie ()
        var value = "";
        for (var name in storage)
            value += '&' + encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(storage[name]);
        mw.cookie.set('preferences' + context, value)
    // Load storage from the cookie.
    // NOTE: If you wish to update the cookie format, both loading and storing
    // must continue to work for 30 days.
    function updateStorage ()
        var value = mw.cookie.set('preferences' + context, value) || '';
        var pairs = value.split('&');
        for (var i=1; i < pairs.length; i++)
            var val = pairs[i].split('=');
            if (storage[val[0]] === val[1])
            storage[val[0]] = val[1];
 * A generic page editor for the current page.
 * This is a singleton and it displays a small interface in the top left after
 * the first edit has been registered.
 * @public
 * this.addEdit
 * this.error
function Editor ()
    if (arguments.callee.instance)
        return arguments.callee.instance
        arguments.callee.instance = this;
    // @public - the JsMwApi object for the current page = JsMwApi().page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
    // get the current text of the article and call the callback with it
    // NOTE: This function also acts as a loose non-re-entrant lock to protect currentText.
    this.withCurrentText = function(callback)
        if (callbacks.length == 0)
            callbacks = [callback];
            for (var i=0; i<callbacks.length; i++)
            return callbacks = [];
        if (callbacks.length > 0) 
            return callbacks.push(callback);
        callbacks = [callback]; (text, _save)
            if (text === null)
                return thiz.error("Connexion au serveur impossible");
            currentText = originalText = text;
            saveCallback = _save;
            for (var i=0; i<callbacks.length; i++)
            callbacks = [];
    // A decorator for withCurrentText
    function performSequentially(f)
        return (function () 
            var the_arguments = arguments;
            thiz.withCurrentText(function ()
                f.apply(thiz, the_arguments);
    // add an edit to the editstack
    function addEdit (edit, node, fromRedo)
        thiz.withCurrentText(function () 
            withPresenceShowing(false, function ()
                if (node)
           = "border: 2px #00FF00 dashed;"
                if (! fromRedo)
                    redostack = [];
                var ntext = false;
                    ntext = edit.edit(currentText);
                    if (ntext && ntext != currentText)
                        currentText = ntext;
                        return false;
                catch (e)
                    this.error("ERROR:" + e);
    this.addEdit = performSequentially(addEdit);
    // display an error to the user
    this.error = function (message)
        if (!errorlog)
            errorlog = newNode('ul',{style: "background-color: #FFDDDD; margin: 0px -10px -10px -10px; padding: 10px;"});
            withPresenceShowing(true, function (presence)
        errorlog.appendChild(newNode('li', message));
    var thiz = this; // this is set incorrectly when private functions are used as callbacks.
    var editstack = []; // A list of the edits that have been applied to get currentText
    var redostack = []; // A list of the edits that have been recently undone.
    var nodestack = []; // A lst of nodes to which we have added highlighting
    var callbacks = {}; // A list of onload callbacks (initially .length == undefined)
    var originalText = ""; // What was the contents of the page before we fiddled?
    var currentText = ""; // What is the contents now?
    var saveCallback; // The callback returned by the api's edit function to save.
    var errorlog; // The ul for sticking errors in.
    var savelog; // The ul for save messages.
    //Move an edit from the editstack to the redostack 
    function undo ()
        if (editstack.length == 0)
            return false;
        var edit = editstack.pop();
        var text = originalText;
        for (var i=0; i < editstack.length; i++)
            var ntext = false;
                ntext = editstack[i].edit(text);
            catch (e)
                thiz.error("ERROR:" + e);
            if (ntext && ntext != text)
                text = ntext;
                editstack = editstack.splice(0, i);
        currentText = text;
        return true;
    this.undo = performSequentially(undo);
    //Move an edit from the redostack to the editstack
    function redo ()
        if (redostack.length == 0)
        var edit = redostack.pop();
        addEdit(edit, null, true);
    this.redo = performSequentially(redo);
    function withPresenceShowing(broken, callback)
        if (arguments.callee.presence)
   = "block";
            return callback(arguments.callee.presence);
        var presence = newNode('div',{'style':"position: fixed; bottom:0px; right: 0px; background-color: #00FF00; z-index: 10;padding: 30px;"})
        //Fix fixed positioning for IE6/
            @if (@_jscript_version <= 5.6)
       = "position: absolute; top: expression((dummy = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0)) + 'px'); background-color: #00FF00; z-index: 10000; padding: 30px;"
        window.setTimeout(function () {
   = "#CCCCFF";
   = "10px";
        }, 400);
        presence.appendChild(newNode('div',{'style':"position: relative; top:0px; left:0px; margin: -10px; color: #0000FF;cursor:pointer;", click:performSequentially(close)},"X"))
        document.body.insertBefore(presence, document.body.firstChild);
        var contents = newNode('p', {style: 'text-align: center'},
            newNode('b', "Édition de la page"), newNode('br'));
        if (!broken)
            contents.appendChild(newNode('button',"Sauvegarder les modifications", {'click': save}));
            contents.appendChild(newNode('button',"Défaire", {'click': thiz.undo}));
            contents.appendChild(newNode('button', "Refaire", {'click':thiz.redo}));
        arguments.callee.presence = presence;
    // Remove the button
    function close ()
        while (undo())
        withPresenceShowing(true, function (presence)
   = "none";
            if (errorlog)
                errorlog = false;
    //Send the currentText back to the server to save.
    function save ()
        thiz.withCurrentText(function ()
            var cleanup_callbacks = callbacks;
            callbacks = [];
            var sum = {};
            for (var i=0; i<editstack.length; i++)
                sum[editstack[i].summary] = true;
            var summary = "";
            for (var name in sum)
                summary += name + " ";
            editstack = [];
            redostack = [];
            var saveLi = newNode('li', 'Sauvegarde :' + summary + "...");
            withPresenceShowing(false, function (presence)
                if (! savelog)
                    savelog = newNode('ul', {style: "background-color: #DDFFDD; margin: 0px -10px -10px -10px; padding: 10px;"});
                if (originalText == currentText)
                    return thiz.error("Aucun changement n'a été appliqué à la page.");
                else if (!currentText)
                    return thiz.error("Erreur : la page a été blanchie.");
            originalText = currentText;
            var nst = []
            var node;
            while (node = nodestack.pop())
            saveCallback(currentText, {summary: summary + "([[WT:EDIT|Assisté]])"}, function (res)
                if (res == null)
                    return thiz.error("Une erreur est survenue pendant la sauvegarde.");
                try {
                    saveLi.appendChild(newNode('span', newNode('b', " Sauvegardé "),
                        newNode('a', {'href': mw.config.get('wgScript') + 
                        '?title=' + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) + 
                        '&diff=' + encodeURIComponent(res.edit.newrevid) +
                        '&oldid=' + encodeURIComponent(res.edit.oldrevid)}, "(Afficher les modifications)")));
                    if (res.error)
                        thiz.error("Non sauvegardé : " + String(;
                for (var i=0; i < nst.length; i++)
                    nst[i].style.cssText = "background-color: #0F0;border: 2px #0F0 solid;";
                window.setTimeout(function () {
                    var node;
                    while (node = nst.pop())
               = "";
                }, 400);
                // restore any callbacks that were waiting for currentText before we started
                for (var i=0; i < cleanup_callbacks.length; i++)
var util = {
    getVanillaIndexOf: function (str, text, pos)
        if (!pos)
            pos = 0;
        var cpos = 0, tpos = 0, wpos = 0, spos = 0;
            cpos = text.indexOf('<!--', pos);
            tpos = text.indexOf('{'+'{', pos);
            wpos = text.indexOf('<nowiki>', pos);
            spos = text.indexOf(str, pos);
            pos = Math.min(
                    cpos == -1 ? Infinity : cpos , 
                    tpos == -1 ? Infinity : tpos
                    wpos == -1 ? Infinity : wpos,
                    spos == -1 ? Infinity : spos
            if (pos == spos)
                return pos == Infinity ? -1 : pos;
            else if (pos == cpos)
                pos = text.indexOf('-->', pos) + 3;
            else if (pos == wpos)
                pos = text.indexOf('</nowiki>', pos) + 9;
            else if (pos == tpos) //FIXME
                pos = text.indexOf('}}', pos) + 2;
        } while (pos < Infinity)
        return -1;
    validateNoWikisyntax: function(field, nonempty)
        return function(txt, error)
                return error("Merci de ne pas utiliser les caractères wiki ([]{}#|) dans le " + field +".");
            if(nonempty && !txt)
                return error("Merci de spécifier un " + field + ".");
            return txt;
    escapeRe: function(txt)
        return txt.replace(/([\\{}(\|)[\].?*+])/g, "\\$1");
    // pos is a position in the line containing the gloss
    getWikitextGloss: function (txt, pos)
        var g_start = txt.lastIndexOf('\n{'+'{(', pos) + 1; 
        var g_end = txt.indexOf('\n', pos);
        var g_line = txt.substr(g_start, g_end - g_start);
        g_line = g_line.replace("{"+"{(}}", "{"+"{(|Traductions}}");
        return g_line.replace(/\{\{\(\|(.*)\}\}/, "$1");
    // get [start_pos, end_pos] of position of wikitext for trans_table containing node in text
    getTransTable: function (text, node, recursive)
        var gloss = util.getTransGloss(node);
        var pos = 0;
        var transect = [];
        while(pos > -1)
            pos = util.getVanillaIndexOf('{'+'{(', text, pos+1) // }}
            if (pos > -1 && util.matchGloss(util.getWikitextGloss(text, pos), gloss))
        if (transect.length > 1)
            var poss = transect;
            transect = [];
            for (var i=0; i<poss.length; i++)
                pos = poss[i];
                if (util.matchGloss(gloss, util.getWikitextGloss(text, pos)))
            if (transect.length > 1 && !recursive)
                transect = util.tieBreakTransTable(text, transect, node);
        if (transect.length == 1)
            pos = transect[0];
            pos = text.indexOf('}}\n', pos) + 3;
            var endpos = text.indexOf('{'+'{)}}', pos); 
            if (endpos > -1 && pos > -1)
                return [pos, endpos];
        return false;
    // try to narrow down the correct poss if multiple matching trans tables
    tieBreakTransTable: function (text, poss, node)
        if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'div')
            while (node && !(node.className && node.className.indexOf('boite') > -1))
                node = node.parentNode;
            var nodes = node.getElementsByTagName('table');
            if (! nodes.length)
                return poss;
            node = nodes[0];
            while (node && node.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'table')
                node = node.parentNode;
        var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
        var before_count = 0;
        var after_count = 0;
        var is_found = false;
        for (var i=0; i < tables.length; i++)
            if (tables[i].className.indexOf('translations') >= 0)
                var gloss = util.getTransGloss(tables[i]);
                if (gloss == "Traductions à vérifier")
                if (tables[i] == node)
                    is_found = true;
                var pos = util.getTransTable(text, tables[i], true);
                if (pos)
                    for (var j=0; j < poss.length; j++)
                        if (poss[j] == pos)
                            return util.tieBreakTransTable(poss.splice(j, 1), node);
                    var matched = 0;
                    for (var j=0; j < poss.length; j++)
                        if (util.matchGloss(util.getWikitextGloss(text, poss[j]), gloss) &&
                             util.matchGloss(gloss, util.getWikitextGloss(text, poss[j])))
                    if (matched == poss.length) 
                        if (is_found)
        if (before_count + 1 + after_count == poss.length)
            return [poss[before_count]];
            return poss;
    matchGloss: function (line, gloss)
        if (gloss.match(/^ *$/))
            return !!(line.match(/\{\{\(\| *\}\}/) || line.match(/^ *$/));
        var words = gloss.split(/\W+/);
        var pos = 0;
        for (var i=0; i < words.length; i++)
            pos = line.indexOf(words[i], pos);
            if (pos == -1)
                return false;
        return pos > -1;
    getTransGlossText: function (node) {
        var ret = '';
        var children = node.childNodes;
        for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++)
            if (children[i].nodeType == 3)
                ret += children[i].nodeValue;
            else if (children[i].nodeName.match(/^(i|b)$/i) || children[i].className.indexOf('wt-edit-recurse') > -1)
                ret += util.getTransGlossText(children[i]);
            else if (ret.match(/\w$/)) //Prevent new words from being created across node boundaries
                ret += " ";
        // all characters except a-zA-Z0-9 are changed to spaces
        return ret.replace(/\W/g, ' '); 
    getTransGloss: function (ul)
        var node = ul;
        while (node && node.className.indexOf('boite') == -1)
            node = node.parentNode;
        if (!node) return ''; 
        var children = node.getElementsByTagName('div'); 
        for (var i=0; i< children.length; i++)
            if(children[i].className && children[i].className.indexOf('NavHead') > -1)
                return util.getTransGlossText(children[i]);
        return '';
    isTrreq: function (li)
        var spans = li.getElementsByTagName('span');
        return (spans && spans.length > 0 && spans[0].className.indexOf("trreq") > -1)
 * A small amount of common code that can be usefully applied to adder forms.
 * An adder is assumed to be an object that has:
 * .fields  A object mapping field names to either validation functions used
 *          for text fields, or the word 'checkbox'
 * .createForm  A function () that returns a newNode('form') to be added to the
 *              document (by appending to insertNode)
 * .onsubmit  A function (values, register (wikitext, callback)) that accepts 
 *            the validated set of values and processes them, the register
 *            function accepts wikitext and a continuation function to be 
 *            called with the result of rendering it.
 * Before onsubmit or any validation functions are called, but after running
 * createForm, a new property .elements will be added to the adder which is a
 * dictionary mapping field names to HTML input elements.
 * @param {editor}  The current editor.
 * @param {adder}  The relevant adder.
 * @param {insertNode}  Where to insert this in the document.
 * @param {insertSibling} Where to insert this within insertNode.
function AdderWrapper (editor, adder, insertNode, insertSibling)
    var form = adder.createForm()
    var status = newNode('span');
    if (insertSibling)
        insertNode.insertBefore(form, insertSibling);
    adder.elements = {};
    //This is all because IE doesn't reliably allow form.elements['name']
    for (var i=0; i< form.elements.length; i++)
        adder.elements[form.elements[i].name] = form.elements[i];
    form.onsubmit = function ()
            var submit = true;
            var values = {}
            status.innerHTML = "";
            for (var name in adder.fields)
                if (adder.fields[name] == 'checkbox')
                    values[name] = adder.elements[name].checked ? name : false;
                    values[name] = adder.fields[name](adder.elements[name].value || '', function (msg) 
                        status.appendChild(newNode('span',{style:'color: red'}, msg, newNode('br'))); 
                        return false
                    if (values[name] === false)
                        submit = false;
            if (!submit)
                return false;
            var loading = newNode('span', 'Loading...');
            adder.onsubmit(values, function (text, callback)
      , function (res)
                    if (!res) 
                        return loading.appendChild(newNode('p', {style: 'color: red'}, "Connexion au serveur impossible."));
            status.innerHTML = "Erreur :" + e.description; 
            return false;
        return false;
// An adder for translations on en.wikt
function TranslationAdders (editor)
    function TranslationAdder (insertUl)
        // Hippietrail
        var langmetadata = new LangMetadata ();
        this.fields =  {
            lang: function (txt, error)
                if (/^[a-z]{2,3}(-[a-z\-]{1,7})?$/.test(txt)) return txt;
                return error("Merci d'utiliser un code langue (en, fr, de)")
            word: function (txt, error)
                if (txt == '{'+'{trreq}}')
                    return txt;
                if (txt.indexOf(',') == -1 || forceComma)
                    forceComma = false;
                    return util.validateNoWikisyntax('translation', true)(txt, error);
                if (prefs.get('comma-knowledge', 'none') == 'none')
                    return error(newNode('span',
                        "Merci d'ajouter une seule traduction à la fois. If this is one translation that contains a comma, you can ",
                        newNode('span', {style: "color: blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;", click: function ()
                                forceComma = true;
                                prefs.set('comma-knowledge', 'guru')
                            }}, "l'ajouter en cliquant ici.")))
                    var msg = newNode('span',
                        newNode('span', {style: "color: blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;", click: function ()
                                prefs.set('comma-knowledge', 'none')
                                try{ msg.parentNode.removeChild(msg); } catch(e) {}
                            }}, "Merci de cliquer sur défaire"), " les listes de traductions ne sont pas encore disponibles en une fois.");
                    return txt;
            qual: util.validateNoWikisyntax('qualifier'),
            tr: util.validateNoWikisyntax('transcription'),
            alt: util.validateNoWikisyntax('page name'),
            sc: function (txt, error)
                if (txt && !/^((?:[a-z][a-z][a-z]?-)?[A-Z][a-z][a-z][a-z]|polytonic|unicode)$/.test(txt))
                    return error(newNode('span', "Merci d'utiliser un ", newNode('a',{href: '/wiki/Catégorie:Modèles de script'},"modèle de script"), "(e.g. fa-Arab, Deva, polytonic)"))
                    if (!txt)
                    txt = prefs.get('script-' + thiz.elements.lang.value, langmetadata.guessScript(thiz.elements.lang.value) || '');
                    if (txt == 'Latn')
                        txt = '';
                    return txt;
            m: 'checkbox', f: 'checkbox', n: 'checkbox', c: 'checkbox', p: 'checkbox'
        this.createForm = function ()
            var controls = {
                lang: newNode('input', {size:4, type:'text', name:'lang', value:prefs.get('curlang',''), title:'Les 2 ou 3 lettres du code langue ISO 639'}),
                transliteration: newNode('span', newNode('a', {href: '/wiki/Wiktionary:Traduction'}, "Traduction"), ": ", 
                                     newNode('input', {name: "tr", title: "Le mot romanisé."}), " (ex : ázbuka pour азбука)"),
                qualifier: newNode('p', "Qualificatif : ", newNode('input', {name: 'qual', title: "Un qualificatif pour le mot"}), " (ex : littéralement, formellement, argot)"),
                display: newNode('p',"Nom de la page : ", newNode('input', {name: 'alt', title: "Le mot avec toutes les diacritiques du dictionnaire."}), " (ex : amo pour amō)"),
                script: newNode('p', newNode('a', {href: '/wiki/Catégorie:Modèles de script'},"Modèle de script"),": ", 
                    newNode('input', {name: 'sc', size: 6, title: "Le modèle de script pour rendre ce mot en."}), "(ex : Cyrl pour Cyrillic, Latn pour Latin)", newNode('br')),
                gender_m: newNode('span',newNode('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'm'}), 'masc. '),
                gender_f: newNode('span', newNode('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'f'}), 'fém. '),
                gender_n: newNode('span', newNode('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'n'}), 'neuter '),
                gender_c: newNode('span', newNode('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'c'}), 'common\u00A0gender '),
                plural: newNode('span', newNode('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'p'}), 'pluriel ', newNode('br'))
            controls.gender = newNode('p', controls.gender_m, controls.gender_f, controls.gender_n, controls.gender_c, controls.plural);
            langInput = controls.lang;
            var showButton = newNode('span',{'click': function ()
                if (!advancedMode)
                    advancedMode = true;
                    showButton.innerHTML = " Moins";
                    advancedMode = false;
                    showButton.innerHTML = " Plus";
      , true);
            }, 'style':"color: #0000FF;cursor: pointer;"}, advancedMode ? " Moins" : " Plus");
            function autoTransliterate () {
                if (thiz.elements.word.value == '{'+'{trreq}}')
                    thiz.elements.alt.value = ''
                    thiz.elements.alt.value = langmetadata.generateAltForm(thiz.elements.lang.value, thiz.elements.word.value) || '';
            function updateScriptGuess (preserve) {
                preserve = (preserve === true);
                //show all arguments
                function show ()
                    for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)
                        if (arguments[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'p')
                            arguments[i].style.display = "block";
                            arguments[i].style.display = "inline";
                //hide all arguments
                function hide ()
                    for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++)
                        arguments[i].style.display = "none";
                //if the first argument is false hide the remaining arguments, otherwise show them.
                function toggle (condition)
                    if (condition) //eww...
                        show.apply(this, [], 1, arguments.length - 1));
                        hide.apply(this, [], 1, arguments.length - 1));
                if (!preserve)
                    langInput.value = cleanLangCode(langInput.value);
                var guess = prefs.get('script-' + langInput.value, langmetadata.guessScript(langInput.value || ''));
                if (!preserve)
                    if (guess)
               = guess;
               = '';
                var lang = langInput.value;
                if (!advancedMode)
                    var g = langmetadata.getGenders(lang);
                    if (!lang)
                    else if (g == undefined)
                        show(controls.gender,controls.gender_m, controls.gender_f, controls.gender_n, controls.gender_c);
                        toggle(g.indexOf('m') > -1, controls.gender);
                        toggle(g.indexOf('m') > -1, controls.gender_m);
                        toggle(g.indexOf('f') > -1, controls.gender_f);
                        toggle(g.indexOf('n') > -1, controls.gender_n);
                        toggle(g.indexOf('c') > -1, controls.gender_c);
                    var p = langmetadata.hasPlural(lang);
                    toggle(p !== false, controls.plural);
                    toggle(g || p, controls.gender); 
                    toggle(guess && guess != 'Latn', controls.transliteration);
                    var alt = langmetadata.needsAlt(lang);
                    toggle(alt === true, controls.display);
                    hide(controls.qualifier); //only in more
                    hide(controls.script); //should be in less when array returned from .getScripts
                    show(controls.gender, controls.gender_m, controls.gender_f, controls.gender_n, controls.gender_c,
                        controls.plural, controls.transliteration, controls.qualifier, controls.display,
            //In browsers other than IE this can be in the newNode function above
            langInput.onchange = updateScriptGuess;
            window.setTimeout(function () {}, 0);
            inputForm = newNode('form',
                        newNode('p', newNode('a',{href:"/wiki/User_talk:Sniff/editor.js#Usage"},"Ajouter la traduction"),' ',
                            langInput, newNode('b',': '), newNode('input', {'name': 'word', size:20, change:autoTransliterate}),
                            newNode('input',{'type': 'submit', 'value':'Prévisualiser la traduction'}), showButton
            return inputForm;
        this.onsubmit = function (values, render)
            var wikitext;
            if (values.word.indexOf('{'+'{trreq') == 0)
                wikitext = '{'+'{trreq|' + '{'+'{subst:' + values.lang + '|l=}}}}'
                wikitext = '{'+'{T|' + values.lang + '}} : ' + 
                (values.qual? '{'+'{qualifier|' + values.qual + '}} ' : '') +  
                '{'+'{trad' + (langmetadata.hasWiktionary(values.lang) ? '' : '--') +
                '|' + values.lang + '|' + (values.alt ? values.alt : values.word) + 
                (values.m ? '|m' : '') +
                (values.f ? '|f' : '') +
                (values.n ? '|n' : '') +
                (values.c ? '|c' : '') +
                (values.p ? '|p' : '') +
                ( ? '|tr=' + : '') + 
                ((values.alt && values.alt != values.word) ? '|alt=' + values.word : '') +
                ( ? '|sc=' +  : '') + '}}';
            render(wikitext, function (html) { registerEdits(values, wikitext, html)});
            if (!this.balancer)
                this.balancer = new TranslationBalancer(editor, insertUl.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);
        var thiz = this;
        var prefs = new CookiePreferences('TranslationAdder');
        var langInput;
        var inputForm;
        var advancedMode = prefs.get('more-display', 'none') != 'none'; //from ye days of yore
        var forceComma = false;
        //Reset elements to default values.
        function resetElements ()
            if (prefs.get('more-display', 'none') != advancedMode ? 'block' : 'none')
                prefs.set('more-display', advancedMode ? 'block' : 'none'); //named for compatibility
            thiz.elements.word.value = = thiz.elements.alt.value = thiz.elements.qual.value = '';
            thiz.elements.m.checked = thiz.elements.f.checked = thiz.elements.n.checked = thiz.elements.c.checked = thiz.elements.p.checked = false;
            prefs.set('curlang', thiz.elements.lang.value);
            if (( || 'Latn') != (prefs.get('script-'+thiz.elements.lang.value, langmetadata.guessScript(thiz.elements.lang.value) || 'Latn')))
        // This is onsubmit after the wikitext has been rendered to give content
        function registerEdits (values, wikitext, content)
            var li = newNode('li');
            li.innerHTML = content;
            var lang = getLangName(li);
            var summary = 'trad+' + values.lang + ':[[' + (values.alt || values.word) + ']]';
            var insertBefore = null;
            var nextLanguage = null;
            function addEdit (edit, span)
                    'undo': function () 
                        if (thiz.elements.word.value == "" &&
                   == "" &&
                            thiz.elements.alt.value == "" &&
                            thiz.elements.qual.value == "")
                            var fields = ["lang","word","alt","qual","tr","sc"];
                            var cb = "mnfcp".split("");
                            for (var i=0; i < fields.length; i++)
                                thiz.elements[fields[i]].value = values[fields[i]];
                            for (var i=0; i < cb.length; i++)
                                thiz.elements[fields[i]].checked = values[fields[i]];
                    'redo': function ()
                        var fields = ["lang","word","alt","qual","tr","sc"];
                        for (var i=0; i < fields.length; i++)
                            if (thiz.elements[fields[i]].value != values[fields[i]])
                    'edit': edit.edit,
                    'summary': summary
                }, span);
            if (lang)
                //Get all li's in this table row. 
                var lis = [];
                var ls = insertUl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li');
                for (var j=0; j < ls.length; j++)
                ls = insertUl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('dd');
                for (var j=0; j < ls.length; j++)
                for (var j=0; j < lis.length; j++)
                    if (lis[j].getElementsByTagName('form').length > 0)
                    var ln = getLangName(lis[j]);
                    if (ln == lang)
                        if (values.word == '{'+'{trreq}}') {
                                'redo': function () {},
                                'undo': function () {},
                                'edit': function () {
                                    return editor.error("Impossible d'ajouter une requête de traduction à une langue avec traductions");
                            return resetElements();
                        var span = newNode('span');
                        var parent = lis[j];
                        if (util.isTrreq(parent))
                            span.innerHTML = content;
                            var trspan = parent.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
                                'redo': function () { parent.removeChild(trspan); parent.appendChild(span); },
                                'undo': function () { parent.removeChild(span); parent.appendChild(trspan); },
                                'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, ln, values.lang, true, function (text, ipos)
                                    //Converting a Translation request into a translation
                                    var lineend = text.indexOf('\n', ipos);
                                    return text.substr(0, ipos) + wikitext + text.substr(lineend);
                            }, span);
                            if (parent.getElementsByTagName('ul').length + parent.getElementsByTagName('dl').length == 0)
                                span.innerHTML = ", " + content.substr(content.indexOf(':') + 1);
                                    'redo': function () { parent.appendChild(span) },
                                    'undo': function () { parent.removeChild(span) },
                                    'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, ln, values.lang, false, function (text, ipos)
                                                 //We are adding the wikitext to a list of translations that already exists.
                                                 var lineend = text.indexOf('\n', ipos);
                                                 wikitext = wikitext.replace('subst:','');
                                                 wikitext = wikitext.substr(wikitext.indexOf(':') + 1);
                                                 return text.substr(0, lineend) + ", " + wikitext + text.substr(lineend);
                                }, span);
                                return resetElements();
                                var node = parent.firstChild;
                                var hastrans = false;
                                while (node)
                                    if (node.nodeType == 1)
                                        var nn = node.nodeName.toUpperCase();
                                        if (nn == 'UL' || nn == 'DL')
                                            span.innerHTML = (hastrans ? ", ": " ") + content.substr(content.indexOf(':') + 1);
                                                'redo': function () { parent.insertBefore(span, node) },
                                                'undo': function () { parent.removeChild(span) },
                                                'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, ln, values.lang, false, function (text, ipos)
                                                            //Adding the translation to a language that has nested translations under it
                                                            var lineend = text.indexOf('\n', ipos);
                                                            wikitext = wikitext.replace('subst:','');
                                                            wikitext = wikitext.substr(wikitext.indexOf(':') + 1);
                                                            return text.substr(0, lineend) + (hastrans ? ", " : " ") + wikitext + text.substr(lineend);
                                            }, span);
                                            return resetElements();
                                            hastrans = true;
                                    node = node.nextSibling;
                        return resetElements();
                    else if (ln && ln > lang && (!nextLanguage || ln < nextLanguage) && lis[j].parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'li')
                        nextLanguage = ln;
                        var parent = lis[j];
                        insertBefore = [
                                'redo': function () {parent.parentNode.insertBefore(li, parent);},
                                'undo': function () {parent.parentNode.removeChild(li)},
                                'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, ln, getLangCode(parent), util.isTrreq(parent), function (text, ipos)
                                            //Adding a new language's translation before another language's translation
                                            var lineend = text.lastIndexOf('\n', ipos);
                                            return text.substr(0, lineend) + "\n* " + wikitext + text.substr(lineend);
            if (values.nested)
                nextLanguage = null;
                insertBefore = null;
                var lis = insertUl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li');
                for (var j = 0; j < lis.length; j++)
                    //Ignore the editor form
                    if (lis[j].getElementsByTagName('form').length > 0)
                    //Don't look at nested translations
                    if (lis[j].parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'li')
                    var ln = getLangName(lis[j]);
                    if (ln == values.nested)
                        var sublis = lis[j].getElementsByTagName('li');
                        if (! sublis.length)
                            sublis = lis[j].getElementsByTagName('dd');
                        if (sublis.length == 0)
                            var parent = lis[j];
                            var dd = newNode('dd');
                            var dl = newNode('dl', dd);
                            dd.innerHTML = content;
                                'redo': function () {parent.appendChild(dl);},
                                'undo': function () {parent.removeChild(dl);},
                                'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, values.nested, null, util.isTrreq(parent), function (text, ipos)
                                            //Adding a new dl to an existing translation line
                                            var lineend = text.indexOf('\n', ipos);
                                            return text.substr(0, lineend) + "\n*: " + wikitext + text.substr(lineend);
                            }, dd);
                        //Adding a new dd to an existing dl
                        return resetElements();
                    else if (ln && ln > values.nested && (!nextLanguage || ln < nextLanguage))
                        nextLanguage = ln;
                        var parent = lis[j];
                        li.innerHTML = values.nested + ":" + "<dl><dd>" + content + "</dd></dl>";
                        insertBefore = [
                                'redo': function () {parent.parentNode.insertBefore(li, parent);},
                                'undo': function () {parent.parentNode.removeChild(li)},
                                'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext, ln, getLangCode(parent), util.isTrreq(parent), function (text, ipos)
                                            //Adding a new nested translation section.
                                            var lineend = text.lastIndexOf('\n', ipos);
                                            return text.substr(0, lineend) + "* " + values.nested + "\n*: " + wikitext + text.substr(lineend);
            li.className = "trans-" + wikitext.replace(/.*\{\{subst:/,'').replace(/[\|\}].*/, '');
            if (insertBefore)
                addEdit(insertBefore[0], insertBefore[1]);
                //Append the translations to the end (no better way found)
                    'redo': function () {insertUl.appendChild(li);},
                    'undo': function () {insertUl.removeChild(li)},
                    'edit': getEditFunction(values, wikitext)
                }, li);
            return resetElements();
        //Get the wikitext modification for the current form submission.
        function getEditFunction (values, wikitext, findLanguage, findLangCode, trreq, callback)
            return function(text)
                var p = util.getTransTable(text, insertUl);
                if (!p)
                    return editor.error("Table de traduction introuvable pour '" + values.lang + ":" + values.word + "'. Les explications doivent être uniques");
                var stapos = p[0];
                var endpos = p[1];
                if (findLanguage)
                    var ipos = 0;
                    if (trreq)
                        ipos = text.indexOf('{'+'{trreq|'+findLanguage+'}}', stapos);
                        if (ipos < 0 || ipos > endpos)
                            ipos = text.indexOf('{'+'{trreq|'+findLangCode+'}}', stapos);
                        if (ipos < 0 || ipos > endpos)
                            ipos = text.indexOf('{'+'{trreq|{'+'{subst:'+findLangCode+'|l=}}}}', stapos);
                    // If we have a nested trreq, then we still need to look for the non-trreq form of the heading language
                    if (!trreq || ipos < 0 || ipos > endpos )
                         ipos = text.indexOf('{'+'{T|'+findLangCode+'}} :', stapos);
                    if (ipos >= stapos && ipos < endpos)
                        return callback(text, ipos, trreq);
                        return editor.error("Traduction introuvable pour '" + values.lang + ":" +values.word + "'. Merci de reformater");
                return text.substr(0, endpos) + "* " + wikitext + "\n" + text.substr(endpos);
        //Given user input, return a language code. For all languages in ISO 639-1, this will convert the name and the ISO 639-3 code to the -1 code.
        //FIXME: move to meta-data
        function cleanLangCode(lang)
            var key = lang.toLowerCase().replace(' ','');
            var dict = {aar:"aa",afar:"aa",abk:"ab",abkhazian:"ab",afr:"af",afrikaans:"af",aka:"ak",akan:"ak",amh:"am",amharic:"am",ara:"ar",arabic:"ar",arg:"an",aragonese:"an",asm:"as",assamese:"as",ava:"av",avaric:"av",ave:"ae",avestan:"ae",aym:"ay",aymara:"ay",aze:"az",azerbaijani:"az",bak:"ba",bashkir:"ba",bam:"bm",bambara:"bm",bel:"be",belarusian:"be",ben:"bn",bengali:"bn",bis:"bi",bislama:"bi",bod:"bo",tibetan:"bo",bos:"bs",bosnian:"bs",bre:"br",breton:"br",bul:"bg",bulgarian:"bg",cat:"ca",catalan:"ca",ces:"cs",czech:"cs",cha:"ch",chamorro:"ch",che:"ce",chechen:"ce",chu:"cu",churchslavic:"cu",chv:"cv",chuvash:"cv",cor:"kw",cornish:"kw",cos:"co",corsican:"co",cre:"cr",cree:"cr",cym:"cy",welsh:"cy",dan:"da",danish:"da",deu:"de",german:"de",div:"dv",dhivehi:"dv",dzo:"dz",dzongkha:"dz",ell:"el",greek:"el",eng:"en",english:"en",epo:"eo",esperanto:"eo",est:"et",estonian:"et",eus:"eu",basque:"eu",ewe:"ee",fao:"fo",faroese:"fo",fas:"fa",persian:"fa",fij:"fj",fijian:"fj",fin:"fi",finnish:"fi",fra:"fr",french:"fr",fry:"fy",westernfrisian:"fy",ful:"ff",fulah:"ff",gla:"gd",scottishgaelic:"gd",gle:"ga",irish:"ga",glg:"gl",galician:"gl",glv:"gv",manx:"gv",grn:"gn",guarani:"gn",guj:"gu",gujarati:"gu",hat:"ht",haitian:"ht",hau:"ha",hausa:"ha",heb:"he",hebrew:"he",her:"hz",herero:"hz",hin:"hi",hindi:"hi",hmo:"ho",hirimotu:"ho",hrv:"hr",croatian:"hr",hun:"hu",hungarian:"hu",hye:"hy",armenian:"hy",ibo:"ig",igbo:"ig",ido:"io",iii:"ii",sichuanyi:"ii",iku:"iu",inuktitut:"iu",ile:"ie",interlingue:"ie",ina:"ia",interlingua:"ia",ind:"id",indonesian:"id",ipk:"ik",inupiaq:"ik",isl:"is",icelandic:"is",ita:"it",italian:"it",jav:"jv",javanese:"jv",jpn:"ja",japanese:"ja",kal:"kl",kalaallisut:"kl",kan:"kn",kannada:"kn",kas:"ks",kashmiri:"ks",kat:"ka",georgian:"ka",kau:"kr",kanuri:"kr",kaz:"kk",kazakh:"kk",khm:"km",centralkhmer:"km",kik:"ki",kikuyu:"ki",kin:"rw",kinyarwanda:"rw",kir:"ky",kirghiz:"ky",kom:"kv",komi:"kv",kon:"kg",kongo:"kg",kor:"ko",korean:"ko",kua:"kj",kuanyama:"kj",kur:"ku",kurdish:"ku",lao:"lo",lat:"la",latin:"la",lav:"lv",latvian:"lv",lim:"li",limburgan:"li",lin:"ln",lingala:"ln",lit:"lt",lithuanian:"lt",ltz:"lb",luxembourgish:"lb",lub:"lu",lubakatanga:"lu",lug:"lg",ganda:"lg",mah:"mh",marshallese:"mh",mal:"ml",malayalam:"ml",mar:"mr",marathi:"mr",mkd:"mk",macedonian:"mk",mlg:"mg",malagasy:"mg",mlt:"mt",maltese:"mt",mon:"mn",mongolian:"mn",mri:"mi",maori:"mi",msa:"ms",malay:"ms",mya:"my",burmese:"my",nau:"na",nauru:"na",nav:"nv",navajo:"nv",nbl:"nr",southndebele:"nr",nde:"nd",northndebele:"nd",ndo:"ng",ndonga:"ng",nep:"ne",nepali:"ne",nld:"nl",dutch:"nl",nno:"nn",norwegiannynorsk:"nn",nob:"nb",norwegianbokmal:"nb",nor:"no",norwegian:"no",nya:"ny",nyanja:"ny",oci:"oc",occitan:"oc",oji:"oj",ojibwa:"oj",ori:"or",oriya:"or",orm:"om",oromo:"om",oss:"os",ossetian:"os",pan:"pa",panjabi:"pa",pli:"pi",pali:"pi",pol:"pl",polish:"pl",por:"pt",portuguese:"pt",pus:"ps",pushto:"ps",que:"qu",quechua:"qu",roh:"rm",romansh:"rm",ron:"ro",romanian:"ro",run:"rn",rundi:"rn",rus:"ru",russian:"ru",sag:"sg",sango:"sg",san:"sa",sanskrit:"sa",sin:"si",sinhala:"si",slk:"sk",slovak:"sk",slv:"sl",slovenian:"sl",sme:"se",northernsami:"se",smo:"sm",samoan:"sm",sna:"sn",shona:"sn",snd:"sd",sindhi:"sd",som:"so",somali:"so",sot:"st",southernsotho:"st",spa:"es",spanish:"es",sqi:"sq",albanian:"sq",srd:"sc",sardinian:"sc",srp:"sr",serbian:"sr",ssw:"ss",swati:"ss",sun:"su",sundanese:"su",swa:"sw",swahili:"sw",swe:"sv",swedish:"sv",tah:"ty",tahitian:"ty",tam:"ta",tamil:"ta",tat:"tt",tatar:"tt",tel:"te",telugu:"te",tgk:"tg",tajik:"tg",tgl:"tl",tagalog:"tl",tha:"th",thai:"th",tir:"ti",tigrinya:"ti",ton:"to",tonga:"to",tsn:"tn",tswana:"tn",tso:"ts",tsonga:"ts",tuk:"tk",turkmen:"tk",tur:"tr",turkish:"tr",twi:"tw",uig:"ug",uighur:"ug",ukr:"uk",ukrainian:"uk",urd:"ur",urdu:"ur",uzb:"uz",uzbek:"uz",ven:"ve",venda:"ve",vie:"vi",vietnamese:"vi",vol:"vo",volapuk:"vo",wln:"wa",walloon:"wa",wol:"wo",wolof:"wo",xho:"xh",xhosa:"xh",yid:"yi",yiddish:"yi",yor:"yo",yoruba:"yo",zha:"za",zhuang:"za",zho:"zh",chinese:"zh",zul:"zu",zulu:"zu"};
            if (dict[key])
                return dict[key];
                return lang;
        // For an <li> in well-formed translation sections, return the language name.
        function getLangName(li)
            var guess = li.textContent || li.innerText;
            if (guess)
                guess = guess.substr(0, guess.indexOf(':'));
            if (guess == 'Template') {
                return false;
            return guess.replace(/^[\s\n]*/,'');
        // Try to get the language code from an <li> containing { {t t+ or t-	// }}
        function getLangCode(li)
            var spans = li.getElementsByTagName('span');
            for (var i=0; i < spans.length; i++)
                if (spans[i].lang) {
                    return spans[i].lang;
            if (li.className.indexOf('trans-') == 0)
                return li.className.substr(6);
            return false;
    var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
    for (var i=0; i<tables.length; i++)
        if (tables[i].className.indexOf('translations') > -1 && util.getTransGloss(tables[i]) != 'Traductions à vérifier')
            var _lists = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('ul');
            var lists = [];
            for (var j=0; j<_lists.length; j++)
                if (_lists[j].parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'td')
            if (lists.length == 0)
                lists = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('ul');
            if (lists.length == 1)
                var table = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('td')[1]
                if (table)
                    lists = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('ul');
            if (lists)
                var li = newNode('li');
                var ul = lists[lists.length - 1];
                var table = tables[i];
                if (table.getElementsByTagName('tbody').length > 0)
                    table = table.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
                new AdderWrapper(editor, new TranslationAdder(ul), li);                
function TranslationBalancer (editor, insertTable)
    var status;
    //create the form
    function init ()
        var cns = insertTable.getElementsByTagName('tr')[0].childNodes;
        var tds = []; 
        //Find all three table cells in the translation table.
        for (var i=0; i<cns.length; i++)
            if (cns[i].nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'TD')
        //Ensure that there is a <ul> on the left side of the balancer.
        var left = tds[0].getElementsByTagName('ul');
        if (left.length > 0)
            left = left[0];
            left = newNode('ul');
        //Ensure that there is a <ul> on the right side of the balancer.
        var right = tds[2].getElementsByTagName('ul');
        if (right.length > 0)
            right = right[0];
            right = newNode('ul');
        var moveLeft = newNode('input',{'type':'submit','name':'ml', 'value':'←', 'click': function(){return prepareEdits('←', left, right)}});
        var moveRight = newNode('input',{'type':'submit','name':'mr', 'value':'→', 'click': function(){return prepareEdits('→', left, right)}});
        status = newNode('span');
        var form = newNode('form', moveLeft, newNode('br'), moveRight, newNode('br'), status);
        form.onsubmit = function () { return false; } //Must be done after the appendChild for IE :(
    function moveOneRight(left, right)
        var li = left.lastChild;
        while (li && li.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'li')
            li = li.previousSibling;
        if (li) 
            right.insertBefore(left.removeChild(li), right.firstChild);
    function moveOneLeft(left, right)
        var li = right.firstChild;
        while (li && li.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'li')
            li = li.nextSibling;
        if (li)
    //store the edit object with the editor
    function prepareEdits(direction, left, right)
        status.innerHTML = "Loading...";
            'redo': function () { (direction == '→' ? moveOneRight : moveOneLeft)(left, right) },
            'undo': function () { (direction == '→' ? moveOneLeft : moveOneRight)(left, right) },
            'edit': function (text) {return editWikitext(right, direction, text);},
            'summary': 't-balance'
    //get the wikitext modification
    function editWikitext(insertUl, direction, text)
        status.innerHTML = "";
        //Find the position of the translation table
        var p = util.getTransTable(text, insertUl);
        if (!p)
            return editor.error("Table de traduction introuvable, merci d'améliorer l'explication.");
        var stapos = p[0];
        var endpos = p[1];
        //Find the start and end of the { {-}} in the table
        var midpos = text.indexOf('{'+'{-}}', stapos);
        var midstart = text.lastIndexOf("\n", midpos);
        var midend = text.indexOf("\n", midpos);
        if (midstart < stapos - 1 || midend > endpos)
            return editor.error("Impossible de trouver {'+'{-}}, merci de corriger.");
        if (direction == '→')
            // Select the last list item of the left list (may be more than one line if nested translations are present)
            var linestart = text.lastIndexOf("\n", midstart - 3);
            while (/^[:*#;]$/.test(text.substr(linestart+2,1)))
                linestart = text.lastIndexOf("\n", linestart - 1);
            if (linestart < stapos - 1 || linestart >= endpos) 
                return editor.error("Aucune traduction à déplacer");
            return text.substr(0, linestart)  //Everything before the item we are moving
                    + text.substr(midstart, midend - midstart) //Then { {-}}
                    + text.substr(linestart, midstart - linestart) //Then the item we are moving
                    + text.substr(midend); //Then everything after { {-}}
        else if (direction == '←')
            // Select the first list item of the right list (may be more than one line if nested translations are present)
            var lineend = text.indexOf("\n", midend + 3);
            while (/^[:*#;]$/.test(text.substr(lineend+2,1)))
                lineend = text.indexOf("\n", lineend + 1);
            if (lineend < stapos - 1 || lineend >= endpos) 
                return editor.error("No translations to move");
            return text.substr(0, midstart) //Everything before { {-}}
                    + text.substr(midend, lineend - midend) //Then the item we are moving
                    + text.substr(midstart, midend - midstart) //Then { {-}}
                    + text.substr(lineend); //Then everything after the item we are moving
        return text;
function LangMetadata ()
    if (arguments.callee.instance)
        return arguments.callee.instance
        arguments.callee.instance = this;
    var metadata = {aa:{hw:true,sc:["Latn","Ethi"]},ab:{hw:true,sc:["Cyrl","Latn","Geor"]},aer:{sc:"Latn"},af:{g:"",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},ak:{hw:true},akk:{g:"mf",p:true,sc:"Xsux"},als:{hw:true},am:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Ethi"},an:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},ang:{alt:true,g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},ar:{alt:true,g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Arab"},arc:{g:"mf",p:true,sc:"Hebr"},are:{sc:"Latn"},arz:{alt:true,g:"mf",p:true,sc:"Arab"},as:{hw:true,sc:"Beng"},ast:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},av:{hw:true,sc:"Cyrl"},ay:{hw:true},az:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,p:true,sc:["Latn","Cyrl","Arab"]},ba:{hw:true,sc:"Cyrl"},bar:{sc:"Latn"},"bat-smg":{g:"mf",p:true,sc:"Latn"},be:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:["Cyrl","Latn"]},"be-x-old":{sc:"Cyrl"},bg:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Cyrl"},bh:{hw:true,sc:"Deva"},bhb:{sc:"Deva"},bi:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},blt:{sc:"Tavt"},bm:{hw:true,sc:["Latn","Nkoo","Arab"]},bn:{g:"",hw:true,sc:"Beng"},bo:{hw:true,sc:"Tibt"},br:{g:"mf",hw:true,sc:"Latn"},bs:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},ca:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},ch:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},chr:{hw:true,sc:"Cher"},co:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},cr:{hw:true,sc:"Cans"},crh:{alt:false,g:"",sc:"Latn"},cs:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},csb:{hw:true},cu:{g:"mfn",p:true,sc:["Cyrs","Glag"]},cv:{alt:false,g:"",sc:"Cyrl"},cy:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},da:{g:"cn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},dax:{sc:"Latn"},de:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},dhg:{sc:"Latn"},djb:{sc:"Latn"},dji:{sc:"Latn"},djr:{sc:"Latn"},dsx:{sc:"Latn"},duj:{sc:"Latn"},dv:{hw:true,p:true,sc:"Thaa"},dz:{hw:true,sc:"Tibt"},el:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Grek"},en:{g:"",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},eo:{g:"",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},es:{alt:false,g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},et:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},ett:{p:true,sc:"Ital"},eu:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},fa:{g:"",hw:true,sc:"Arab",wsc:"fa-Arab"},fi:{g:"",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},fil:{g:"",p:false,sc:"Latn"},fj:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},fo:{g:"mfn",hw:true,sc:"Latn"},fr:{alt:false,g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},fy:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},ga:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},gd:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},gez:{sc:"Ethi"},gl:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},gmy:{sc:"Linb"},gn:{hw:true},gnn:{sc:"Latn"},got:{g:"mfn",p:true,sc:"Goth"},grc:{g:"mfn",p:true,sc:"Grek",wsc:"polytonic"},gu:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Gujr"},guf:{sc:"Latn"},gv:{hw:true},ha:{hw:true},har:{sc:"Ethi"},he:{alt:true,g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Hebr"},hi:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Deva"},hif:{sc:["Latn","Deva"]},hit:{sc:"Xsux"},hr:{alt:true,g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},hsb:{hw:true},hu:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},hy:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Armn"},ia:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Latn"},id:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},ie:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Latn"},ik:{hw:true},ike:{sc:"Cans"},ikt:{sc:"Cans"},ims:{sc:"Ital"},io:{hw:true},is:{alt:false,g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},it:{alt:false,g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},iu:{hw:true,sc:"Cans"},ja:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,p:false,sc:"Jpan"},jay:{sc:"Latn"},jbo:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},jv:{hw:true},ka:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Geor"},khb:{sc:"Talu"},kjh:{sc:"Cyrl"},kk:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Cyrl"},kl:{hw:true},km:{hw:true,sc:"Khmr"},kn:{hw:true,sc:"Knda"},ko:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,p:false,sc:"Kore"},krc:{alt:false,g:"",p:true,sc:"Cyrl"},ks:{hw:true,sc:["Arab","Deva"],wsc:"ks-Arab"},ku:{hw:true,sc:"Arab",wsc:"ku-Arab"},kw:{hw:true},ky:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Cyrl"},la:{alt:true,g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},lb:{hw:true},lez:{sc:"Cyrl"},li:{hw:true},ln:{hw:true},lo:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,p:false,sc:"Laoo"},lt:{alt:true,g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},lv:{alt:false,g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},mg:{hw:true},mh:{hw:true},mi:{alt:false,g:0,hw:true,sc:"Latn"},mk:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Cyrl"},ml:{g:"",hw:true,sc:"Mlym"},mn:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:["Cyrl","Mong"]},mo:{hw:true,sc:"Cyrl"},mol:{sc:"Cyrl"},mr:{g:"mfn",hw:true,sc:"Deva"},ms:{hw:true,sc:["Latn","Arab"]},mt:{g:"mf",hw:true,sc:"Latn"},mwp:{sc:"Latn"},my:{hw:true,sc:"Mymr"},na:{hw:true},nah:{hw:true},nb:{alt:false,g:"mfn",p:true,sc:"Latn"},nds:{hw:true},ne:{hw:true,sc:"Deva"},nl:{alt:false,g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},nn:{alt:false,g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},no:{alt:false,g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},non:{g:"mfn",p:true,sc:"Latn"},oc:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},om:{hw:true},or:{hw:true,sc:"Orya"},os:{alt:false,g:"",sc:"Cyrl"},osc:{sc:"Ital"},ota:{sc:"Arab",wsc:"ota-Arab"},pa:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:["Guru","Arab"]},peo:{sc:"Xpeo"},phn:{sc:"Phnx"},pi:{hw:true},pjt:{sc:"Latn"},pl:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},ps:{hw:true,sc:"Arab",wsc:"ps-Arab"},pt:{alt:false,g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},qu:{hw:true},rit:{sc:"Latn"},rm:{g:"mf",hw:true,sc:"Latn"},rn:{hw:true},ro:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:["Latn","Cyrl"]},"roa-rup":{hw:true},ru:{alt:true,g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Cyrl"},ruo:{g:"mfn",p:true,sc:"Latn"},rup:{g:"mfn",p:true,sc:"Latn"},ruq:{g:"mfn",p:true,sc:"Latn"},rw:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},sa:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Deva"},sah:{sc:"Cyrl"},sc:{hw:true},scn:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},sco:{sc:"Latn"},sd:{hw:true,sc:"Arab",wsc:"sd-Arab"},sg:{hw:true},sh:{hw:true},si:{hw:true,sc:"Sinh"},simple:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},sk:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},sl:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},sm:{hw:true},sn:{hw:true},so:{hw:true},spx:{sc:"Ital"},sq:{alt:false,g:"mf",hw:true,sc:"Latn"},sr:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:["Cyrl","Latn"]},ss:{hw:true},st:{hw:true},su:{hw:true},sux:{sc:"Xsux"},sv:{alt:false,g:"cn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},sw:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Latn"},syr:{sc:"Syrc"},ta:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Taml"},tdd:{sc:"Tale"},te:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Telu"},tg:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Cyrl"},th:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,p:false,sc:"Thai"},ti:{hw:true,sc:"Ethi"},tig:{sc:"Ethi"},tiw:{sc:"Latn"},tk:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Latn"},tl:{g:"",hw:true,p:false,sc:["Latn","Tglg"]},tmr:{sc:"Hebr"},tn:{hw:true},to:{hw:true},tokipona:{hw:true},tpi:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},tr:{alt:true,g:"",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Latn"},ts:{hw:true},tt:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Cyrl"},tw:{hw:true},ug:{hw:true,sc:"Arab",wsc:"ug-Arab"},uga:{sc:"Ugar"},uk:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Cyrl"},ulk:{sc:"Latn"},ur:{g:"mf",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Arab",wsc:"ur-Arab"},uz:{alt:false,g:"",hw:true,sc:"Latn"},vi:{g:"",hw:true,p:false,sc:"Latn"},vo:{hw:true},wa:{hw:true},wbp:{sc:"Latn"},wo:{hw:true},xae:{sc:"Ital"},xcl:{alt:false,g:"",sc:"Armn"},xcr:{sc:"Cari"},xfa:{sc:"Ital"},xh:{hw:true},xlc:{sc:"Lyci"},xld:{sc:"Lydi"},xlu:{sc:"Xsux"},xrr:{sc:"Ital"},xst:{sc:"Ethi"},xum:{sc:"Ital"},xve:{sc:"Ital"},xvo:{sc:"Ital"},yi:{g:"mfn",hw:true,p:true,sc:"Hebr",wsc:"yi-Hebr"},yo:{hw:true},yua:{alt:true,g:"",p:true,sc:"Latn"},za:{hw:true},zh:{g:"",hw:true,p:false,sc:"Hani"},"zh-classical":{sc:"Hant"},"zh-min-nan":{hw:true,sc:"Latn"},"zh-yue":{sc:"Hani"},zu:{hw:true,sc:"Latn"}};
    //The language code is necessary in case someone has just added a translation into "Norwegian" and wants to add a "Nynorsk" translation
    //as the wikitext will contain Norwegian: not Norwegian:. This does not support linking of the headings, it may not need to.
    // FIXME: This is all wrong.... 
    var nesting = {nn: ['Norwegian', 'no'], nb: ['Norwegian', 'no'], dsb: ['Sorbian',null], hsb: ['Sorbian',null], ang:['English','en'], enm: ['English','en']}
    var altForm = {
        ang: {from:"ĀāǢǣĊċĒēĠġĪīŌōŪūȲȳ", to:"AaÆæCcEeGgIiOoUuYy", strip:"\u0304\u0307"}, //macron and above dot
        ar: {strip:"\u064B\u064C\u064D\u064E\u064F\u0650\u0651\u0652"},
        he: {strip:"\u05B0\u05B1\u05B2\u05B3\u05B4\u05B5\u05B6\u05B7\u05B8\u05B9\u05BA\u05BB\u05BC\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1\u05C2"},
        hr: {from:"ȀȁÀàȂȃÁáĀāȄȅÈèȆȇÉéĒēȈȉÌìȊȋÍíĪīȌȍÒòȎȏÓóŌōȐȑȒȓŔŕȔȕÙùȖȗÚúŪū",
        la: {from:"ĀāĒēĪīŌōŪū", to:"AaEeIiOoUu",strip:"\u0304"}, //macron
        lt: {from:"áãàéẽèìýỹñóõòúù", to:"aaaeeeiyynooouu", strip:"\u0340\u0301\u0303"},
        sh: {from:"ȀȁÀàȂȃÁáĀāȄȅÈèȆȇÉéĒēȈȉÌìȊȋÍíĪīȌȍÒòȎȏÓóŌōȐȑȒȓŔŕȔȕÙùȖȗÚúŪū",
        sr: {from:"ȀȁÀàȂȃÁáĀāȄȅÈèȆȇÉéĒēȈȉÌìȊȋÍíĪīȌȍÒòȎȏÓóŌōȐȑȒȓŔŕȔȕÙùȖȗÚúŪū",
        tr: {from:"ÂâÛû", to:"AaUu",strip:"\u0302"},
        sl: {from: "áÁàÀâÂȃȂȁȀéÉèÈêÊȇȆȅȄíÍìÌîÎȋȊȉȈóÓòÒôÔȏȎȍȌŕŔȓȒȑȐúÚùÙûÛȗȖȕȔệỆộỘẹẸọỌ",
             to: "aAaAaAaAaAeEeEeEeEeEiIiIiIiIiIoOoOoOoOoOrRrRrRuUuUuUuUuUeEoOeEoO",
             strip: "\u0301\u0300\u0302\u0311\u030f\u0323"}
    //Returns true if the specified lang.wiktionary exists according to the meta list
    this.hasWiktionary = function(lang)
        if (metadata[lang])
            return metadata[lang].hw;
    //Given a language code return a default script code.
    this.guessScript = function(lang)
        if (metadata[lang]) {
            // enwikt language template? (ur-Arab, polytonic)
            if (metadata[lang].wsc) {
                return metadata[lang].wsc;
            // ISO script code? (Arab, Grek)
            if (metadata[lang].sc) {
                if (typeof metadata[lang].sc == 'object')
                    return metadata[lang].sc[0];
                    return metadata[lang].sc;
        return false;
    //Returns a string of standard gender letters (mfnc) or an empty string
    this.getGenders = function(lang)
        if (metadata[lang])
            return metadata[lang].g;
    //Returns true if the specified lang has the concept of plural nouns
    this.hasPlural = function(lang)
        if (metadata[lang])
            return metadata[lang].p;
    //Returns true if the specified lang uses optional vowels or diacritics
    this.needsAlt = function(lang)
        if (metadata[lang])
            return metadata[lang].alt && (!altForm[lang]);
//    this.nestedUnder = function (lang)
//    {
//        if (nesting[lang])
//            return nesting[lang];
//    }
    this.generateAltForm = function (lang, word)
        //FIXME: use a dictionary and iterate along the string.
        // this is horrendously slow and horrid.
        if (altForm[lang])
            var alt = altForm[lang];
            var map = {};
            if (alt.from &&
                for (var i = 0; i < alt.from.length; i++)
                    map[alt.from.charAt(i)] =;
            if (alt.strip)
                for (var i = 0; i < alt.strip.length; i++)
                    map[alt.strip.charAt(i)] = "";
            var input = word.split("");
            var output = "";
            for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
                var repl = map[input[i]];
                output += (repl == null) ? input[i] : repl;
            return output;